Solución MicroLED interior brillante de alta calidad, con gran eficiencia, ancho de banda amplio y controladores versátiles

Los videowalls MicroLED de pixel pitch fino de la serie Planar® DirectLight® Pro ofrecen imágenes de gran belleza que se adaptan a una amplia gama de aplicaciones de instalación fija en interiores. Con pixel pitches de 0,9 a 1,8 milímetros, la serie Planar DirectLight Pro, fabricada en Europa, ofrece todas las ventajas de la tecnología MicroLED, así como facilidad de mantenimiento frontal y gran ancho de banda, lo que reduce la complejidad de la implementación y maximiza la eficiencia.

  • Pitch de 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 y 1,8 mm
  • Con tecnología MicroLED
  • Modelos de alto brillo con 1600 nits y consumo estándar
  • Modelos de bajo consumo con brillo estándar de 500 nits
  • Compatible con varios controladores.
  • Garantía de por vida EverCare
  • Fabricado en Europa



Brillo y eficiencia

Modelo de alto brillo, diseñado para un rendimiento máximo en entornos con mucha luz ambiental, que ofrece 1600 nits de brillo sostenido con solo 135 vatios de potencia.

Opción de ahorro de energía

Un modelo de bajo consumo ofrece 500 nits de brillo con un consumo de solo 68 vatios, lo que lo hace ideal para clientes preocupados por el consumo de energía o para aplicaciones con poca luz ambiental.

Diseño optimizado

Experimente el equilibrio óptimo entre forma y función con los cabinets LED de 27 y 36 pulgadas de doble altura. Menos cabinets significa una instalación más rápida, un mantenimiento más sencillo y una experiencia de videowall perfecta con un mínimo de juntas visibles.

Banda ancha elevada

Con un ancho de banda cinco veces superior al de las soluciones de la competencia, las pantallas reducen el coste total de propiedad al necesitar menos cabinets, cables y componentes internos, como receptores y fuentes de alimentación.

Girar la esquina

Los módulos de pantalla y los cabinets de la serie DirectLight Pro tienen bordes biselados a 45°, lo que permite enroscar los videowalls en esquinas de 90° para instalaciones únicas y abrir las pantallas para su uso en aplicaciones más creativas.

Control flexible

El procesamiento predeterminado robusto del controlador de vídeo Planar® WallDirector™ ofrece compatibilidad con Brompton y Colorlight, lo que permite a los clientes elegir la solución ideal para los requisitos únicos de su aplicación.

Protección de por vida

La serie Planar DirectLight Pro está respaldada por la garantía limitada de por vida EverCare™, que cubre toda la pantalla, desde los subpíxeles hasta el controlador de vídeo, mientras se utilice en una ubicación fija.

Fabricación en Europa

Gracias a nuestras instalaciones de producción de vanguardia en el corazón de Europa, en Leyard Europe podemos garantizar precios estables, plazos de entrega cortos de solo unas pocas semanas y altos estándares de calidad.

Soluciones Complete™

Videowalls estándar o personalizados

La serie Planar DirectLight Pro está disponible en tamaños y resoluciones que se adaptan a sus necesidades para reducir el tiempo, la complejidad y el coste de diseñar e instalar una pantalla LED personalizada. Hemos reunido todo lo que una organización necesita en una solución integral. Solo tiene que seleccionar el tamaño y la resolución del videowall que mejor se adapte a su entorno y aplicación, y obtendrá el paquete completo, que incluye el potente controlador de vídeo Planar WallDirector.


  • Cabinets LED
  • Soportes murales
  • Módulos de repuesto
  • Controlador de vídeo
  • Trim
  • Control remoto
  • Cables


Tamaños disponibles:

109" | 137" | 164" | 198" | 219"

Add-Ons y Accesorios

Planar WallDirector Cloud

Supervise y mantenga de forma remota su flota de pantallas con Planar® WallDirector™ Cloud, un panel de control seguro basado en web para diagnósticos, comandos, resolución de problemas, supervisión del estado y gestión de tickets de soporte.

Modo de bajo consumo

Cuando no se utiliza, el Planar® Smart Power Switch pone el videowall en un modo de bajo consumo de 1 vatio. El delgado interruptor de alimentación, conectado a la red LAN, se coloca detrás del videowall montado en la pared, que cumple con la normativa ADA, y se conecta a la misma red.

Añadir durabilidad

El revestimiento protector patentado Planar® ERO-LED™ (Extended Ruggedness and Optics™) proporciona durabilidad en entornos interactivos y de mucho tránsito. Además, proporciona un acabado mate que mantiene el rendimiento visual del videowall.

Interactividad táctil

Optimice los videowalls para la interactividad con un sistema táctil personalizado de 32 puntos y Planar ERO-LED. Las pantallas táctiles suelen estar limitadas a dimensiones de 16:9, pero la solución táctil personalizada abre la puerta a una mayor variedad de tamaños y formas.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Resolución cabinet (AnxAl) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Pixel Density (pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Brillo, máx. (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Temperatura de color (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Ángulo de visión, horizontal (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Ángulo de visión, vertical (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Tamaño cabinet (AnxAlxPr) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Composición módulo (AnxAl) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Resolución módulo (AnxAl) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Tamaño módulo (mm) (AnxAlxPr) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Vida útil (horas) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Consumo de energía, máx. (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Consumo de energía, típ. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Temperatura funcionamiento (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Humedad de funcionamiento (HR) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Temperatura de almacenamiento (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Humedad de almacenamiento (HR) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
Tipo LED Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Contraste 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Uniformidad luminosidad ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Access Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Planar DirectLight Pro Series


  • Pitch de 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 y 1,8 mm
  • Con tecnología MicroLED
  • Modelos de alto brillo con 1600 nits y consumo estándar
  • Modelos de bajo consumo con brillo estándar de 500 nits
  • Compatible con varios controladores.
  • Garantía de por vida EverCare
  • Fabricado en Europa


Solución MicroLED interior brillante de alta calidad, con gran eficiencia, ancho de banda amplio y controladores versátiles

Los videowalls MicroLED de pixel pitch fino de la serie Planar® DirectLight® Pro ofrecen imágenes de gran belleza que se adaptan a una amplia gama de aplicaciones de instalación fija en interiores. Con pixel pitches de 0,9 a 1,8 milímetros, la serie Planar DirectLight Pro, fabricada en Europa, ofrece todas las ventajas de la tecnología MicroLED, así como facilidad de mantenimiento frontal y gran ancho de banda, lo que reduce la complejidad de la implementación y maximiza la eficiencia.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Resolución cabinet (AnxAl) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Pixel Density (pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Brillo, máx. (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Temperatura de color (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Ángulo de visión, horizontal (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Ángulo de visión, vertical (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Tamaño cabinet (AnxAlxPr) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Composición módulo (AnxAl) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Resolución módulo (AnxAl) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Tamaño módulo (mm) (AnxAlxPr) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Vida útil (horas) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Consumo de energía, máx. (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Consumo de energía, típ. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Temperatura funcionamiento (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Humedad de funcionamiento (HR) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Temperatura de almacenamiento (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Humedad de almacenamiento (HR) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
Tipo LED Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Contraste 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Uniformidad luminosidad ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Access Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Leyard Europe
Phone: +421-907-995-941
Leyard, Planar y eyevis son marcas comerciales de Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Planar Systems, Inc y eyevis GmbH. Todas las demás marcas comerciales y de servicio son propiedad de sus titulares. Copyright © Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Planar Systems, Inc y eyevis GmbH. Todos los derechos reservados. Este documento no puede ser copiado en ninguna forma sin el permiso de Leyard, Planar o eyevis. La información contenida en este documento está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso.