Solution MicroLED intérieure haut de gamme, lumineuse, avec un rendement élevé, une bande passante élevée et une large gamme de contrôleurs

Les murs vidéo MicroLED à pitch fin de la série Planar® DirectLight® Pro offrent de superbes images adaptées à un large éventail d'applications d'installation fixe en intérieur. Avec des pitchs de 0,9 à 1,8 millimètre, la série Planar DirectLight Pro, fabriquée en Europe, offre tous les avantages de la technologie MicroLED, ainsi qu'une facilité d'entretien par l'avant et une bande passante élevée, ce qui réduit la complexité du déploiement tout en maximisant l'efficacité.

  • Pitch de 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 et 1,8 mm
  • Avec la technologie MicroLED
  • Modèles à haute luminosité de 1 600 nits et consommation de puissance standard
  • Modèles à faible puissance et luminosité standard de 500 nits
  • Compatible avec différents contrôleurs.
  • Garantie EverCare à vie
  • Fabriqué en Europe

Prix de l'industrie


Luminosité et efficacité

Un modèle haute luminosité, conçu pour offrir des performances maximales dans des environnements à forte luminosité ambiante, offre une luminosité soutenue de 1600 nits pour une consommation de seulement 135 watts.

Option éco-énergétique

Un modèle à faible consommation délivre 500 nits de luminosité avec seulement 68 watts de consommation électrique, ce qui le rend idéal pour les clients soucieux de leur consommation d'énergie ou pour les applications dans des conditions de faible luminosité ambiante.

Conception optimisée

Découvrez l'équilibre optimal entre forme et fonction avec les cabinets LED de 27 pouces et double hauteur de 36 pouces. Moins de cabinets signifie une installation plus rapide, un entretien plus facile et une expérience de mur vidéo transparente avec un minimum de joints visibles.

Bande passante élevée

Avec une bande passante cinq fois supérieure à celle des solutions concurrentes, les écrans permettent de réduire le coût total de possession grâce à un nombre réduit de cabinets, de câbles et de composants internes tels que les récepteurs et les alimentations.

Prendre le virage

Les modules d'affichage et les cabinets de la série DirectLight Pro ont des bords biseautés à 45° qui permettent aux murs vidéo d'envelopper les coins à 90° pour des installations uniques et d'ouvrir les écrans pour une utilisation dans des applications plus créatives.

Contrôle flexible

Le contrôleur vidéo Planar® WallDirector™ offre un traitement par défaut robuste, tandis que la compatibilité avec Brompton et Colorlight permet aux clients de choisir la solution idéale pour répondre aux exigences uniques de leur application.

Protection à vie

La série Planar DirectLight Pro est couverte par la garantie à vie limitée EverCare™, qui couvre l'ensemble de l'écran, des sous-pixels au contrôleur vidéo, tant qu'il est utilisé dans un endroit fixe.

Production en Europe

Grâce à notre site de production ultramoderne situé au cœur de l'Europe, Leyard Europe est en mesure de garantir des prix stables, des délais de livraison de quelques semaines seulement et des normes de qualité élevées.

Solutions Complete™

Murs vidéo prêts à l'emploi ou sur mesure

La gamme Planar DirectLight Pro est disponible dans des tailles et des résolutions pratiques pour réduire le temps, la complexité et le coût de conception et d'installation d'un mur vidéo LED personnalisé. Nous avons réuni tout ce dont une entreprise a besoin dans une solution complète. Il vous suffit de sélectionner la taille et la résolution de votre mur vidéo qui conviennent le mieux à votre environnement et à votre application, et vous obtenez le package complet, y compris le puissant contrôleur vidéo Planar WallDirector.

Ce qui est inclus :

  • Cabinets LED
  • Supports muraux
  • Modules de réserve
  • Contrôleur vidéo
  • Trim
  • Télécommande
  • Câbles


Dimensions disponibles :

109" | 137" | 164" | 198" | 219"

Add-Ons & Accessories

Planar WallDirector Cloud

Surveillez et entretenez à distance votre parc d'écrans grâce à Planar® WallDirector™ Cloud, un tableau de bord Web sécurisé pour les diagnostics, les commandes, le dépannage, la surveillance de l'état de santé et les demandes d'assistance.

Mode veille à consommation faible

Lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé, le Planar® Smart Power Switch met le mur vidéo en mode basse consommation de 1 watt. Cet interrupteur d'alimentation fin, connecté au réseau local, est conforme à la norme ADA et se place derrière le mur vidéo mural.

Plus grande durabilité

Le revêtement de protection exclusif Planar® ERO-LED™ (Extended Ruggedness and Optics™) assure une grande durabilité dans les environnements interactifs et à forte fréquentation. Il apporte également une finition mate qui maintient les performances visuelles du mur vidéo.

Interactivité tactile

Optimisez les murs vidéo pour l'interactivité avec un système tactile personnalisé à 32 points et Planar ERO-LED. Les écrans tactiles sont souvent limités aux dimensions 16:9, mais la solution tactile personnalisée permet de proposer une plus grande variété de tailles et de formes.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Résolution cabinet (LxH) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Densité des pixels (pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Luminosité, max (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Température de couleur (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Angle de vue, horizontal (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Angle de vue, vertical (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Taille du cabinet (LxHxP) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Composition du module (LxH) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Résolution module (LxH) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Taille du module (mm) (LxHxP) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Durée de vie (heures) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Consommation électrique, max (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Consommation électrique, typ. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Température de fonctionnement (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Humidité de fonctionnement (RH) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Température de stockage (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Humidité de stockage (RH) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
Type LED Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Contraste 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Luminosité Uniformité ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Access Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Planar DirectLight Pro Series


  • Pitch de 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 et 1,8 mm
  • Avec la technologie MicroLED
  • Modèles à haute luminosité de 1 600 nits et consommation de puissance standard
  • Modèles à faible puissance et luminosité standard de 500 nits
  • Compatible avec différents contrôleurs.
  • Garantie EverCare à vie
  • Fabriqué en Europe

Prix de l'industrie

Solution MicroLED intérieure haut de gamme, lumineuse, avec un rendement élevé, une bande passante élevée et une large gamme de contrôleurs

Les murs vidéo MicroLED à pitch fin de la série Planar® DirectLight® Pro offrent de superbes images adaptées à un large éventail d'applications d'installation fixe en intérieur. Avec des pitchs de 0,9 à 1,8 millimètre, la série Planar DirectLight Pro, fabriquée en Europe, offre tous les avantages de la technologie MicroLED, ainsi qu'une facilité d'entretien par l'avant et une bande passante élevée, ce qui réduit la complexité du déploiement tout en maximisant l'efficacité.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Résolution cabinet (LxH) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Densité des pixels (pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Luminosité, max (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Température de couleur (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Angle de vue, horizontal (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Angle de vue, vertical (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Taille du cabinet (LxHxP) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Composition du module (LxH) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Résolution module (LxH) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Taille du module (mm) (LxHxP) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Durée de vie (heures) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Consommation électrique, max (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Consommation électrique, typ. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Température de fonctionnement (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Humidité de fonctionnement (RH) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Température de stockage (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Humidité de stockage (RH) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
Type LED Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Contraste 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Luminosité Uniformité ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Access Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Leyard Europe
Phone: +421-907-995-941
Leyard, Planar et eyevis sont des marques commerciales de Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd, Planar Systems, Inc et eyevis GmbH. Toutes les autres marques commerciales et marques de service sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs. Copyright © 2025 Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd, Planar Systems, Inc et eyevis GmbH. Tous droits réservés. Ce document ne peut être copié sous aucune forme sans la permission de Leyard, Planar ou eyevis. Les informations contenues dans ce document sont susceptibles d'être modifiées sans préavis.